
The Niagara Region is ready to grow. By investing in the wine industry, Ontario will uncork a world of opportunity. Because wine is an accelerator for economic growth and job creation. 

It starts by looking at and learning from the world’s leading tourism destinations. Premium wine industries are at the centre of so many of these vibrant, world-class travel hot spots. Wine is a vital catalyst for their economic growth, reaching far beyond the vast vineyards to help: grow a flourishing tourism sector; advance sustainable farming practices; drive transportation and manufacturing; kickstart new construction and infrastructure projects; stimulate and inspire exciting food, hospitality, and cultural experiences.

Now is the time to uncork Ontario by adopting best-in-class standards established by the world’s premier wine regions. Bringing these global best practices and policies to Niagara would mean billions of dollars more in economic growth for our region and all of Ontario. 


In a first-time partnership, Ontario Craft Wineries, Tourism Partnership of Niagara and Wine Growers Ontario have come together to commission a Deloitte report that reveals the Ontario wine sector is well positioned to drive sustainable economic growth for the region, the province and the country.


Ontario’s wine sector contributes more than $1 billion annually to Canada’s GDP, despite only 0.03% of arable land being used for vineyards. Future potential uplift for the Niagara Region could amount to at least $8 billion in additional real GDP in the next 25 years.


Increasing the Ontario wine sector’s domestic market share by sales to match B.C.’s could provide an additional $70 million in GDP to Ontario’s economy now, and more than $800 million in additional GDP over a 10-year period.


With a steady annual growth rate of 3.2% in sales—more than twice Ontario’s GDP growth rate—our industry is a reliable economic contributor and a stable anchor for future economic development.


Niagara is the largest wine producing region in Canada, responsible for 90% of grape production in Ontario and 80% of Canada’s total grape and wine production.


Global best practices entail dominating domestic market share, connecting wine industries and tourism to forge world-class destinations, implementing competitive tax policies that incentivize investment in the wine sector, and incentivizing and supporting capital investment in agriculture and hospitality.


When we consider the food and hospitality industry, cultural and entertainment industry, and tourism industry along with the wine sector, we recognize that the contribution of this ecosystem is much larger than the wine sector in isolation.


The Niagara wine industry provides more than 7,200 direct full-time equivalent jobs in the region.


Ontario’s wine industry is uniquely suited to leverage the region’s strong infrastructure to facilitate future growth.


The provincial and federal governments are critical partners as investors in, and champions for, our regional potential and contribution to Canada’s economy.

Help Us Uncork Ontario

Download the Executive Summary or the Full Report to learn more about Ontario’s world-class wine industry and how it is a catalyst for Niagara Region’s economic growth.

Download the Executive Summary

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